On scented candles

I’m generally opposed to scented candles. Not because they don’t smell nice, some of them do, but because they are usually so overpowering I feel like I’m being forced to eat “sugar cookie” or “christmas tree” or whatever other scent is being burned into my lungs. If I wanted a sugar cookie, I’d eat one, and never in my life have I wanted to eat a pine tree. It’s even worse if there’s actual food around, in which case you might as well douse the food with perfume and make me eat it, because the experience would be about as enjoyable.

I enjoy my “spa fresh” candle for approximately one hour before I start to get a headache and have to open all of the windows to air the place out. Limited doses are good, is all I’m saying.

Also, it is sort of embarrassing to own scented candles, but I’m willing to get past that stigma and the fact that they make my nose feel like it’s on fire if the candle is cute enough. Case in point, these adorable monogram candles from Anthropologie.

I just noticed that “X” “Y” and “Z” are not options for purchase. How am I supposed to spell out my name in candles without those letters?! What an outrage. Anthro can expect a strongly-worded letter in its future.

You might notice a few minor tweaks to the site – RSS and twitter links have been added to the main menu, and you can now tweet and share my posts on Facebook. Because I want to reach everyone through every form of social media possible. Stay tuned – I’ve got some fun things planned for the week, including Thanksgiving cocktail recipes to enhance, or help you through, the holiday. (I was going to post a recipe for mole enchiladas I baked this weekend, but um, I was really hungry and didn’t have time in between bites to take any pictures.)

Posted in Style | 1 Response

Under the weather

Not sure if it’s the chilly weather or what, but I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I might not be able to move from my couch ever again. Luckily I’ve got just enough energy to scour the internet for snuggly things – and mission accomplished! Just looking at this scarf makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.

Posted in Style | 1 Response

I’m back. For real this time.

To the four loyal readers I had in this blog’s previous incarnation: I’M BACK. I had to learn HTML, CSS and a little PHP before I could bring you a blog I am proud of, but I did it. This one will be slightly less profane due to the fact that I’m no longer unemployed, and people I now work with will almost certainly see this. I’m not sure how to be funny without being obscene, but I’m going to try really hard.

While you’re here, look around. Seriously. I spent a lot of time coding this thing. The least you could do is look at my portfolio.

I’ll post more later, when I’m not delirious from beating nested lists into submission and that one glass of wine I had to take the edge off.

Posted in Projects, Web Design | 6 Responses