Monthly Archives: March 2011

Luciferus Bagleus

Fast Tube by Casper I know she’s my dog, so I automatically think this is hilarious, but seriously, tell me she’s not the weirdest bagle you ever did see. Many thanks to Chris for catching this magical moment and feeding her all of those reduced-fat Wheat Thins to teach her to sit up like that.

Posted in Bagle Bytes | 4 Responses

Why Hibernating is a Bad Idea

Fact: If you deal with winter by spending the cold months curled up on the couch with good books and red wine, you will be incredibly sore when you decide to hop on your bike and ride 11 + miles. Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything. Everything is starting to bloom, and all […]

Posted in Life, Photos | Leave a comment

To be filed under “Random Crap I Don’t Need”

An indoor herb garden is on my list of things I’d eventually like to create but will probably never get around to because I can think of a million excuses along the lines of “we don’t get enough natural light inside” to “I could go get supplies, but I’d rather watch another episode of Dexter.” […]

Posted in Food, Style | 2 Responses

A case study in cool

Exhibit A: Fast Tube by Casper Exhibit B: Fast Tube by Casper Should have just left that one to Etta. Apparently, “roll with me” was far too sexual, so the lyrics had to be changed to “dance with me, Henry.” I get kind of embarrassed listening to the Georgia Gibbs version – kind of like […]

Posted in Bitchin' tunes | 1 Response