Why Hibernating is a Bad Idea

Fact: If you deal with winter by spending the cold months curled up on the couch with good books and red wine, you will be incredibly sore when you decide to hop on your bike and ride 11 + miles.

Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything.

Everything is starting to bloom, and all I can say is, it’s about time you got here Spring. I’ve needed very badly to put down the red wine, hope on my bike, and pedal downtown as fast as I could to take up drinking outdoors. I went outside yesterday to snap a few shots of the greenery around our house (greatly upsetting my dog who sat at the window and cried at the injustice of being left inside), and got a few great pictures of this tree on the Huckleberry that’s already flowering. I miss being up North very much during the fall, but spring down here is so much better. Mostly because it starts to warm up in Virginia right about now – and I hear it snowed in CT today. Suckers.

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