
I don’t use canvas grocery bags as often as I’d like because 1. I need the plastic ones to pick up after my dog, who refuses to poop in bushes and insists on doing it in people’s yards so that I have to pick it up, and 2. I have far too many ugly free bags that I’ve collected over the years, and being the superficial person that I am, I don’t like being seen carrying around ugly grocery totes.

I found these canvas totes as I was puttering around on the interwebs – problem solved! No more ugly blue Kroger tote for this girl.

I’m also in love with the packaging and branding for this CSA. The big pictures of bright fruits and veggies are making me super excited for spring and the return of our farmer’s market. The interactive pictures of the baskets lead you to a page with ideas on how to store and prepare the basket items – very clever, considering I’ve never heard of Kohlrabi and wouldn’t know what to do with it if it turned up in my farm share.

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